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Honda Center updates on preparations for ‘SMTOWN Live World Tour lll’

With the highly anticipated ‘SMTOWN Live World Tour lll‘ concert on the way, organizers from the Honda Center have updated fans on preparations for the event via Twitter.
On May 19th, Honda Center uploaded the following photo, showing a man setting up equipment along with a bag of balloons on the right.
Moments later, several additional photos were uploaded, showing the Honda staff installing extra-large screens and lights above the concert stage.  Judging from the set up, it looks like fans can expect to see some awesome lighting effects throughout the performances.
The Honda Center staff has also reported that rehearsels for SM Town artists will commence at 3PM tomorrow and approximately 1,700 fans have permission to enter on a first come first serve basis.  Although, cameras will not be permitted during the official concert show, they can be used during the rehearsal, but fans must follow SM Town’s policies.
So was anyone lucky enough to get tickets for the show? Are you planning to attend rehearsals?
Source + Photos: Honda Center’s Twitter
SOURCE BY : allkpop.com

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